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We offer gentle vibrating training collars for basic and professional dog training. Choose from over 10 brands of the best electronic collars at unbeatable prices.

We bring the widest range of electronic training collars for basic and professional dog training. Our customers include experienced cynologists and first time dog owners. The common denominator of electronic collars from proven and proven manufacturers is quality, reliability and ease of use. You can't go wrong with an electronic training collar. Choose from over 10 brands of the best electronic collars at unbeatable prices. From personal experience, we recommend the Aetertek and SportDog brands, given their ease of use and 3-year warranty.


    • What is this electronic collar anyway?

      An electronic dog training collar (sometimes inaccurately referred to as an electric training collar) is a modern training aid that is completely safe and, if used correctly, cannot harm the animal in any way. Electronic training collars are popular with professional cynologists around the world and have their supporters and detractors. The important thing is to choose a training collar well and learn how to use it well. Any tool can become dangerous if you don't use it thoughtfully, judiciously and according to instructions. The same is true of electronic dog collars.

    • How does an electronic collar work?

      An electronic training collar works on the basis of discharges that are uncomfortable for the dog but not dangerous for him. Any experienced breeder knows that you cannot educate a dog without reprimands or physical punishment. Electronic collars can be used instead of pulling the skin or slapping the butt. You will appreciate them, for example, when the dog growls, runs away and does not respond to calls, because they can be controlled remotely. More and more responsible dog breeders are getting electronic collars, because they know that a disobedient and ill-mannered dog can cause many problems and, last but not least, can cause harm to itself.

    • How will the electronic collar help me?

      in walking at my feet without a leash and for reliably calling or stopping the dog (commands "stop", "to me", "to my leg" and "stay") to stop pulling on the leash, running after game, other dogs or people

      to stop unwanted dog activities ("yuck", "you must not") - to unlearn bad habits in everyday interaction with people, e.g. taking food from the table, jumping on people, digging, eating excrement, unwanted barking, howling, etc.

      precise training of practically every exercise, where the dog has to perform it as accurately and reliably as if it were on a leash (up to hundreds of metres long!), eliminating the unwanted dependence on the leash, which the dog recognises very well and adapts its behaviour to it

    • Are electronic collars safe?

      Electronic training collars have been investigated by the Central Commission for Animal Welfare, which stated, among other things, that "So-called electronic collars have undergone a rapid technical development in the last 8-10 years and have little in common with their predecessors, which used much higher electrical current intensity and completely, or almost completely, lacked any regulatory elements. In order to protect animals and to harmonise standards, the International Electronic Collar Manufacturers Association (ECMA) was set up to look into the issue and, in addition to its own research, it also commissions studies from professional and scientific bodies. Today's modern products from reputable manufacturers associated with the ECMA fully respect animal welfare, and their use in many cases helps to replace some traditional methods of dog training which can be far less animal friendly."

    • When to start using the electronic collar?

      Electronic training collars are recommended for use from 6 months of age. Read the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Choose the appropriate level of impulse (the dog should respond to the impulse, on the other hand it should not be too painful for him - whining, etc.). Collars usually offer several levels of alert (sound signal, vibration, impulse). The dog will soon become aware of the sequence of signals, so it is sufficient to use the sound or vibration signal.

    • What features do the collars offer?

      The more practical features a training collar has, the better your dog will be able to handle it. The most important and most basic features that a collar should contain are an audible alert and an electrostatic pulse. Most of the electronic training collars sold today have these features in addition to vibration. Quite often, these functions are supplemented by even more functions. Thus, you may encounter the following functions:

      Audible alert: An audible alert should always precede the use of the electric power supply. A warning should precede a pulse. The dog will learn very early that an unpleasant electronic impulse is preceded by an audible warning and will learn to respond to the audible signal. In practice, this is usually the most used function.

      Vibration: The intensity of the vibration can usually be adjusted in several levels. In vibration-only collars this is the main function, but the effectiveness of such collars is very limited and these collars are therefore more suitable for small and mild dogs.

      Electrostatic pulse: This serves as a corrective pulse and is used when previous sound and vibration warnings have not helped. To be most effective, the collar should allow adjustment of the intensity of the electrostatic pulse.

      Spray correction: this is a type of corrective signal where the correction is made by means of a spray which is sprayed onto the dog's muzzle when the appropriate button is pressed. This is the second most effective and painless method of correction on the market.

      Booster: It is most often used in crisis situations. The higher value is either fixed by the manufacturer, but often this button is programmable.

      Light: This function is usually implemented in several variations. Often it is just a flashlight on the controller or a laser "pointer". A better solution is a LED light on the receiver, which you light remotely using the remote control. This gives you an overview of where your dog is in the dark.

      Anti-bark mode: some electronic collars have a built-in anti-bark mode that automatically detects and prevents unwanted barking and howling of the dog. If the dog starts barking, the collar will activate and alert the dog with an audible signal or vibration. If the dog continues to bark, a correction pulse follows, which depending on the type of collar can be a spray or most often electrostatic.

    • For which sizes and breeds of dogs is it suitable?

      A very important factor in choosing an effective electronic training collar is the size and breed of your dog. If your dog's weight is between about 5 Kg and 50 Kg, most training collars will be effective enough for him. However, the problem with the selection comes if your dog is a mini breed or, on the other hand, an extra large breed. For small breeds, the impulse of some collars might be too strong, or the collar receiver might be completely inadequate due to its size. For large breeds, on the other hand, there is a risk that the collar will not be sufficiently effective. If your dog is in the upper weight range of the collar's usability, or if your dog belongs to breeds with a reduced pain threshold (usually fighting breeds), it is always preferable to purchase a collar where there will be a sufficient margin in performance. In crisis situations (mainly instinctive behaviour of the dog), it is necessary to take into account the use of stronger corrective corrections than in the normal use of the collar.

    • What range should I choose for the collar?

      Another important feature when choosing a collar is the operating distance of the collar. The usual range of collars sold is between 200 and 4000m. If you can't decide what range to choose, it is advisable to consider the following factors: If you are often in rugged terrain (or in the woods), it is advisable to choose a training collar with a longer range. The stated range of the collars is always given in ideal conditions, i.e. on a flat area without obstacles and in an undisturbed area. In rugged or wooded terrain, the range obviously decreases significantly (due to the propagation characteristics of radio waves). The longer range will be needed by the hunter in the woods or the user whose dog regularly runs after game. For normal use by most users, especially if you want to use the training collar more for calling the dog, alerting or calling for attention, a collar with a range of up to 350m will serve you very well.

    • Are the collars waterproof?

      Another very important feature is the water resistance of the receivers. The most common water resistance features you will see are as follows.Waterproof: the receiver is only resistant to weather (snow, rain) Waterproof: the receiver is resistant to weather and accidental exposure to water by splashing. Collars are not submersion resistant. Submersible: Such receivers are also resistant to being in water and can therefore usually be used without any restrictions.

    • What kind of power supply does the collar use?

      The power supply of the collar is a very important factor that you should not underestimate when choosing one. Especially the cheaper models of training collars are most often powered by ordinary 3V, 6V or 9V batteries. The price of these batteries ranges from 50 to 150,-CZK and it is therefore advisable to take into account the operating costs, which can be up to several hundred a year, when choosing a collar. Some training collars even use atypical batteries that are difficult to find or batteries supplied by the manufacturer that can only be bought from the manufacturer or dealer of the collar. For this reason, we rather recommend collars that are powered by a built-in battery that you simply recharge via USB cable or from the mains.

    • Is the collar easy to use?

      To use the training collar effectively, its control is also important. The easier the training collar is to use, the more comfortable, responsive and therefore more effective it is to use. It is most convenient if the collar has its own button for each function. This eliminates the annoying switching between functions that delays. Collars with this control are suitable for all activities, especially for running after game, when you need to react very quickly and call the dog before it leaves the collar's range.

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Reedog DF-213 fence and training collar

Reedog DF-213 fence and training collar

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237.84 €
Reedog P30

Reedog P30

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Canicom R-1500 - black

Canicom R-1500 - black

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Patpet 628 - Black

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Displaying 129 products - filter the results to match your requirements.

We are showing 1-15 out of 129 products

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